SEO- Search Engine Optimization is the process of optimizing the website or webpage to the search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.
In simple words optimization means you are telling Google that your website contains more unique, relevant and valuable information which users are searching with the help of simple technical tags & contents.
Most of us today talk a lot about SEO, but we really do not know why SEO is needed? What is the importance and significance of SEO?
If you started to think whether SEO is compulsory? Is it worth investing? Is business does not exist without SEO? Do SEO really increase your business revenue? Then you are on the right track
Let’s first understand the existence & more about SEO.
93% of online experience starts with a search engine, Yes it’s 93%
What we do normally when we want to buy a laptop?
We will Google it right? Yes, but what happens next? We get a number of different search results showing different laptops, showroom nearby you, comparison, reviews and many, we click any of those results, get the required information, if not we will move on some other websites, right?
But in this process we never thought how we get such relevant result made for us, Yes do you know it all happens within microseconds at the backend of Search Engine -Which consists more than 200 billion line logic codes which help to answer all your search queries.
Are you shocked? No, it’s the real fact behind such instant information displayed within no time
So let’s take one practical test: I will search for the term “best laptop to buy in 2018” in Google lets see what happens next?
You get above search results in Google.
What do you do when a series of such results displayed? We click any of first 5-6 results to get required information, naturally, I will click either but do you know none of these companies sell or either manufacture laptop. That’s the power of SEO.
Do you want to know the secrete behind this? It’s all because of a magic called “CONTENT”, Yes content is the king. These above websites have contents more than the original manufacturer and seller has.
If you want to rank well then follow one and only secret formula i.e., “Content”.
So the next question which generally arises is SEO important & is it significant?
Imagine even though hp, Lenovo, Dell, Apple will manufacture the laptop but they are not listed by Google in the first 3 results. Statistics say 80% of humans will click first 3 results, 40 % will click 4-6 results & 20% people will only click 7-10 results.
So if you want more number of clicks, you should be on the first page within 10 results.
It’s the real significance and opportunity you or your business has got to outperform the competitor – hence SEO proves to be powerful and effective.
If you want more visitors – you should be on the first page – if you want to be in the first page – provide valid information-solve the user intent – solve their problems – fulfill their requirement – finally give them the trusted authorized information.
SEO is completely FREE, it’s a ZERO investment!
Yes, SEO is the only free marketing medium which truly exists today for long years, if you are equipped with the right technical & content team.
Is it generating more revenue? Is it worth investing? Is it necessary?
I think most of us have seen Lux, Santoor, and many ads on TV, outdoor, newspaper and many more media but do you think you buy those products immediately? No, we don’t – This type of marketing is the attention driven sales model.
But SEO is 100% result oriented marketing technique. People enter their requirement into the search box and come to your business website. Here people are decided what they want and coming to you which leads to a more qualified way of generating sales queries.
Let’s walk through a simple example, assume that you own an MBA college in one of the popular township where you have marketed across popular television media, radio, big-big hoardings, in the newspaper and many other online channels.
Can you measure ROI instantly? Absolutely no! But why?
Research says 60-70% of those who finds information through search engine tend to purchase more than any other marketing medium.
The answer is simple its one-way communication you don’t know who are they? Age group? Interest? What do they need? Their requirement? Nothing we know about it and finally, if you ask about ROI it’s not 100% measurable.
But when you talk about SEO it’s a two-way communication. Here students who are interested will only come to search engine & search their required information which is more dynamic &result oriented than advertising for an entire set of people who are not bothered about taking MBA admission. 100 % ROI – it’s measurable.
“So SEO is never the option it’s the backbone of future business”
Few key benefits you should understand before investing in SEO:
- Brand building
- Awareness
- Engagement
- Lead generation
Are you thinking whether all above benefits possible in practical? Yes, of course, it’s possible.
Smartphone users in India, report by Google.
India will reach 650M online users by 2020, by which 72% will be using the Smartphone.
Since a majority of all smartphones by default possess Google Search App it’s the right time to concentrate on Mobile SEO as well as Desktop SEO for more results – it’s much more complex than ever. Never the late start by today.
Are you thinking people search only in top metro cities than other places? Then you are wrong. Even it’s easy for us to expand our reach, be with millions of people’s mobile across the country through SEO. There are no other media exist free of cost to reach such massive audience group in India.
Look at the statistics of Google search happening in places other than top metros by Google.
Key takeaways:
Consider SEO as one of your mainstream of marketing activities even though it’s not as easy as earlier, over the period SEO will be your best friend.
Try to invest more time and resources in building valuable contents around your business, to educate & help the customers as a one-stop solution for their trusted source of information which indirectly builds brand & you will be Top in Google Search Result.